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For anyone interested in a high quality pure bred French bulldog, this is the only breeder I would trust! The Stokes dedication to producing offspring that represents the best characteristics of CHAOS, from conformation to working ability to temperament, is unbeatable. They are also dedicated to performing every test they can on their breeding animals to insure they do not pass on congenital/genetic diseases in their lines. Whether you are looking for a family pet, please consider Chaos breeders
Kiana Adkisson Selby, DVM
I have had Labradors all my life. But I have never had dogs like the ones from Chaos french bulldogs What first impressed me was the setting their home setting What dogs wouldn't be happy and of good nature being hand raised here? It wasn't just the setting or the nature of the dogs. It was the whole package: good dogs and good training. Tony not only provided me with ideal animals, she also provided me with the training I needed to keep my dogs happy and healthy. Tony was always there with advice, additional training, and care for my dogs whenever needed. This setting and attention may not be for everyone, but it was exactly what I wanted and needed to make my two dogs, Duke & Duchess, a loving part of my family and my life.
S. Fox
Fanny is a true family companion. Her loyalty and unconditional love makes her the ideal family member. She loves to travel and has accompanied us on various business and pleasure trips. In addition, she was easily trained to act accordingly so that she can be taken to the office during work hours. Fanny’s playful demeanor also allows her to frequently provide comic relief. We are truly thankful that we learned about Chaos and decided to receive one of their puppies. We have frequently recommended their service and as a result, one of our friends got his pup from Chaos. We know of no better place to get a French bulldog.
Bill and Lynn Moseley
Huck is a brilliant, enthusiastic puppy with lots of energy. He has integrated well into our family of two other older dogs. We have started him in basic obedience, and he picks up new things very fast. He loves people, and accepts human leadership well. He also has a very sweet disposition. I love crazy Huck. He is very smart Deb, Winston-Salem, NC
John H.
Stryker is such a gentle and sweet dog and wonderful to train. He is especially good with other dogs and loves to play with his best friends who happen to be Westies and Wire Haired Dachshunds. There is a calmness about him which is endearing and very typical of the dogs that Chaos breeds. We love him dearly.
Jack and Wendy Volhard Volhard Dog Training (
As a Realtor, the greatest compliment is a referral or a repeat client -- I think so highly of my first French bulldog that I have done both. I was blessed with the opportunity to welcome THREE of Chaos pups into my home and there is no turning back! One, two, THREE Chaos puppies blessed my home, my life! As a testimonial goes, three speaks volumes to my commitment to them and commitment to me. Yes, the breeder's commitment to the client; it is a relationship, not a transaction when buying one (or three) of these puppies.
Billie Jo in York, PA
Maizie is my trusted and most loyal companion. Thanks Chaos for this wonderful house mate. She and Mel have helped extend my years.
Art K.
From the first time we spoke to them on the phone, we knew they were experienced and the right breeder for us and that we were going to add a french bulldog to our family. We visited the puppies a few weeks after they were born, and we welcomed Cooper to our home. He came to us crate trained and almost housebroken. He is so smart and very talented. Cooper trains in Freestyle and Rally. He moves beautiful for a large dog. He is also the best when it comes to small children. He gets along fine with our 2 other dogs. Chaos has guided me in Cooper's health and nutrition from day one. They have always been there to answer all of my questions. Very dedicated and caring breeders. We purchased a few dogs before Cooper and have never had this unique relationship with any of the breeders. I am very blessed to have met them.
Joanne & Jack
Luke came into my life at a time when my service dog, a Beauceron named Puller, was nearing the end of his life. I hoped that Luke would fill those big paws of responsibility and he has done so. he is my best friend

We can’t believe it’s almost been a year since we brought Baxter (Teddy) home. He has brought so much joy to our lives and we barely remember life before him. He is so smart, stubborn and quirky – fits our family dynamics perfectly!!! We have traveled to Florida, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho with him!! We were even talking about getting another dog for Baxter to play with but of course that is just crazy talk!


I wanted to give an update of our Cavapoo that we picked up from Martha King! His name is Simba and he’s literally been a blessing in disguise! I wanted to first start off by saying that working with Martha has been an amazing experience. She was always available to answer any minor questions I had prior to picking up our puppy. In addition, she was able to properly bathe him, cut his nails and even provided us a good amount of his puppy food that we use today. Our entire experience has been an extremely pleasant one as we are first time dog owners! Simba has been a very healthy and happy puppy and the experience of training him has been amazing! Hope everyone is well and staying safe! Here are some puppy pictures of Simba! I hope you enjoy them! Simba is now 4 months and is doing AWESOME!

Himanshu & Purvi

We can’t thank you enough for our lovely, smart and well behaved puppy. He strives every day to be better and is a love to have as our dog.   Our two grandsons, ages 6 and 4, have had more giggles and fun playing catch and teaching Levi – they even chose his name!

We have had play dates with his sister, Billie, we lives close by.  And we learned that Levi is a swimmer when he rushed and jumped into her pool. Quite shocking but so sensible on a very hot day.

He loves my daughter’s dog (the Bernadoodle). And for some reason he likes to sleep inside our coffee table.   Quite unusual, don’t you think?


I hope life has “somewhat” returned to normal for Rachel and that your family is well! I’m sending pictures of Billie and Callie resting together, in their usual place under my desk, of Billie after her first grooming (we can see her beautiful eyes, again), and with a friend’s daughter.  She’s such a fun and loving dog. There isn’t a day when she doesn’t bring smiles and sunshine into our lives!!! Many thanks for doing the outstanding work you do!!!

Sue Ann

I pray that you and your family are doing well and staying healthy during this trying time in our country. It is hard to believe that it has been just a about year since we picked up Duke (aka Ricky) from you. He brings us such joy each and every day! He is the perfect addition to our family and remains the center of attention even after a year.

Attached are some pictures along with his health records. Duke was neutered in March. He just went in last week for shots and was found to be “perfect”! We also just received his ICS certificate (attached).

Thanks always,